Agenda item

2020/21 Year End Performance Report, 20/21 Performance and Business Plan and 2021/22 Corporate Risk Register (HW)


The Head of Information and Performance Management introduced the report which was to provide Members with a set of performance monitoring information for review and approval.


It was reported that when you took out the KPIs that had performance issues that had been impacted on by Covid, 3 targets had not been met. They were KP6, KP7 and KP2.  Members asked whether KPI 7 was too ambitious, as it may never be met.


A motion to support the recommendation was proposed and seconded, put to the vote and carried.




1.    That the Q4 and year end performance report, given in Appendix 1 of the report, is reviewed and any actions to address issues agreed.


2.    To approve the Performance and Business Plan content in Appendix 2 of the report and completion of details is delegated to the Chief Executive, to allow publication by the statutory deadline of 30 June.


3.    That the 2020/21 year end corporate risk register given in Appendix 3 of the report  is reviewed and the status of risks accepted.


4.    That the start of year 2021/22 corporate risk register given in Appendix 4 of the report  is reviewed and the proposed risks agreed.


5.    To note the status of complaints, Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations requests, given in Appendix 5, of the report.




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