Agenda item
Full Application - Provision of Education Suite and Ancillary Accommodation to Facilitate Diversification of Farm Activities at High Lees Farm, New Road, Bamford
APPROVED (In accordance with Officer Recommendation)
Cllr Chapman re-joined the meeting.
This item was moved forward on the agenda.
The Planning Officer introduced the report setting out the reasons for approval as set out in the report.
The following made representations to the Committee under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:
· Kate May, applicant – statement read out by an Officer in the Democratic and Legal Support Team.
A motion to approve the application in accordance with Officer recommendation was proposed and seconded and a vote was taken and carried.
To APPROVE the applicationsubject to prior entry into a S106 legal agreement to tie the education suite and ancillary accommodation to the revised schedule of land and buildings at High Lees Farm and subject to the following conditions:
- Statutory time limit for implementation.
- No development shall commence until development phasing plan has been submitted and approved. Development to be carried out in accordance with approved details.
- No development shall commence until construction management plan has been submitted and approved. Development to be carried out in accordance with approved details.
- Travel plan to be submitted and approved prior to the first occupation of the education suite and ancillary accommodation.
- Landscape scheme to be submitted, approved and implemented prior to the first occupation of the development.
- Submit and agree sample of roof material and sample panel of stonework for education suite and ancillary accommodation together with details of paving and surfacing materials.
- The package treatment plant shall be installed prior to the first occupation of education suite and ancillary accommodation.
- The parking and manoeuvring areas shall be laid out, constructed and available for use prior to the first occupation of the education suite and ancillary accommodation and shall be permanently so maintained.
- Development shall not be carried out other than in accordance with recommendations of submitted protected species survey report.
- Restrict use specifically to education suite and accommodation all ancillary to High Lees Farm and to be retained within a single planning unit.
- Restrict residential accommodation to holiday accommodation only.
- Restrict the maximum number of guests to no more than 16 at any time.
- Restrict the use of agricultural buildings for the purposes of agriculture only.
- Remove agricultural buildings when no longer required for the purposes of agriculture.
- Remove permitted development rights for alterations and extensions from residential accommodation.
- Specification of colour finish for sheeting and doors to agricultural buildings
Supporting documents:
- (NP/HPK/0817/0832, P.10149, 421556 / 383751, 23/08/2017, ADM), item 66/21 PDF 222 KB
- Site Plan, item 66/21 PDF 367 KB
- NP-HPK-0817-0832 2 Appendix 1, item 66/21 PDF 784 KB