Agenda item
Full Application - Proposed manege, Pear Tree Cottage, Main Street, Calver (NP/DDD/0321/0241, BJT)
This item was moved forward on the agenda as the speaker had arrived.
The Chair and Vice Chair had visited the site the previous day.
The report was presented by the Planning Officer who outlined the reasons for approval as set out in the report.
The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:
· Mr Clayton, Applicant
The Planning Officer advised of the following amendments to the recommended conditions:
· Condition 4 regarding landscaping should include 3 replacement trees and an extension of the hedge, to better screen the site
· Condition 5 should be amended to remove “and to the extension hereby approved”
· Additional condition that any excess spoil must be removed from site by a licensed waste operator.
· That condition 3 could be amended to ensure the specification agreed remains in place in the future.
· That a condition could be added to ensure the site of the temporary track is returned to grazing land.
A motion to approve the application in accordance with Officer recommendation was proposed and seconded and a vote was taken and carried.
To APPROVE the application, subject to the following conditions:
1) Statutory time limit for implementation
2) Development in accordance with the submitted plans and specifications, subject to the following conditions:
3) Submit sample/specifications of material to be used for surfacing upon agreement of which, the material is to remain in place permanently.
4) Carry out landscaping scheme within first planting season following commencement of the development to include 3 replacement trees and an extension of the hedge, to better screen the site
5) There shall be no new floodlighting or other external lighting whatsoever to the existing manege.
6) Use of the manege hereby permitted shall remain ancillary to Pear Tree Cottage for private use only by the occupants of Pear Tree Cottage.
7) At the time of erection the new fencing (and the existing fencing) shall be painted or stained dark brown.
8) Ecology conditions
9) Any excess spoil must be removed from site by a licensed waste operator.
10) The site of the temporary track must be returned to grazing land upon completion of the build.
Supporting documents:
7. 0321-0241_Pear Tree Cottage, item 78/21
PDF 250 KB
Item 11 - Pear Tree Cottage, Calver, item 78/21
PDF 427 KB