Agenda item
Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017: Construction of a Permanent Access Track to Facilitate Essential Safety Works, Ongoing Inspection, Maintenance and Emergency Access to Swellands and Black Moss Reservoirs (NP/O/0221/0110 BJT)
The report was introduced by the Head of Planning, who explained that the issue to be considered was whether Members agreed that this was an appropriate assessment upon which to base their conclusions for Item 6.
The Natural Environment and Rural Economy Team Manager confirmed that the impact on habitat outlined in the report was accepted.
It was noted that there had been no comments from the Environment Agency.
A motion to adopt the report in accordance with Officer recommendation was proposed and seconded and a vote was taken and carried.
That the report be adopted as the Authority’s assessment of likely significant effects on internationally important protected habitats and species under Regulation 63 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended) in relation to the construction of a permanent access track to facilitate essential safety works, ongoing inspection, maintenance, and emergency access to Swellands and Black Moss reservoirs.
Supporting documents:
1. 0221-0110.HRA report. Swellands Track.v2, item 75/21
PDF 353 KB
Item 5 - Swellands Track HRA, item 75/21
PDF 836 KB