Agenda item
Peak District National Park Foundation Grant Agreement and MOU 1 Year Extension (SS)
Cllr A McCloy, Cllr C McLaren and Mr Z Hamid left the meeting during discussion of this item due to a prejudicial interest as Trustees of the Foundation.
The Deputy Chair, Mr Berresford, took the Chair.
The report seeks approval to continue the partnership with the Peak District National Park Foundation, extending the grant agreement and memorandum of understanding(MOU) between the Peak District National Park Authority and the Peak District National Park Foundation for a further year.
The Fundraising Development Manager introduced the report which sought approval to continue support for the Foundation at the same level (£58,700) for the financial year 2022/23 covered by the existing fundraising budget in appendix 1 of the report. This was made up of £45,000 of staff time in kind and £13,700 cash contribution available in a PDNPA cost centre. It was anticipated that a further report would be made within 12 months’ time seeking a longer-term partnership with the Foundation for the benefit of the Peak District National Park. This would allow time for development work to take place on the fundraising strategy and culture, embedding the Foundation as the fundraising vehicle to develop support for the National Park Management Plan outcomes and consider the resources required to do this.
Cllr A Gregory declared an interest in the item as he had been appointed as a reserve trustee by the Authority.
In response to Members’ queries the Chief Executive stated that over the next 6 months Officers would be reviewing the whole level of support from the Authority to the Foundation including looking at the whole fundraising strategy and how the Foundation fits into this, so it was recommended to approve for only one year extension at present.
The recommendations, as set out in the report, were moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
1. To approve a one-year extension to the grant agreement and Memorandum of Understanding to March 2023, providing staff resources to manage and develop the charity, embedding the Foundation across the Authority to support Management Plan outcomes.
2. To note the fundraising strategy development and the key role of the Foundation as the brand and vehicle for delivering the strategy.
3. To note the progress of the Peak District National Park Foundation in its first two years.
Supporting documents:
- Part A Committee Report Peak District National Park Foundation FINAL, item 84/21 PDF 462 KB
- Appendix 1 PDNPF_fundraising_1, item 84/21 PDF 508 KB
- Appendix 2 PDNPF Annual Report, item 84/21 PDF 6 MB