Agenda item
Full Application - For installation of 14 solar panels to one side of campsite office roof and installation of air source heating system at North Lees Campsite, Hathersage (NP/HPK/0921/1046, AM)
The report was introduced by the Head of Planning who outlined the reasons for approval as set out in the report.
A motion to approve the application in accordance with Officer recommendation was moved.
In answer to a question regarding the impact of noise of the air source heating system the Head of Planning confirmed that the conditions included a stone enclosure which would assist with noise minimisation.
The motion was seconded and a vote was taken and carried.
To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions:
- Commence development within 3 years.
- Carry out in accordance with specified approved plans.
- No works to install the solar panels shall commence until after the 1st November and once commenced the works shall be completed before the following March.
- The works to install the solar panels shall not be carried out other than in complete accordance with section 4.1 of the submitted Bat Activity Survey dated 20th October 2021. The two new bat boxes shall be installed before the installation of the solar panels hereby approved.
- Notwithstanding the approved plans, the enclosure to the air source heat pumps shall be a drystone wall to match the stone, construction and height of the existing drystone walling to the north of the application site.
Supporting documents:
- 0921-1046_North Lees Campsite, item 126/21 PDF 207 KB
- Item 8 - North Lees Campsite, Hathersage, item 126/21 PDF 450 KB