Agenda item

Full Application - Conversion of field barn to dwelling at Twin Dales Barn, Field to west of Over Haddon (NP/DDD/0821/0866), ALN


The report was introduced by the South Team Planning Manager who set out the reasons that the Committee was being asked to reconsider its previous position of being minded to approve the application.


The Head of Planning added that policy L1 of the Authority’s Core Strategy and policy DMC1 of the Development Management Policies link directly to guidance in the Landscape Strategy for individual landscape character areas, the application site being in the White Peak.  Guidance for the White Peak is clear that approval of the application would be contrary to policy L1 of the Core Strategy and policy DMC1 of the Development Management Policies.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Mr Neil Mycock, Applicant

Members discussed the conflict between allowing the building to become derelict and the potential impact of its conversion and domestication, on the landscape. They also discussed the extent to which careful design, and planning conditions are able to limit the impact of domestication in the long term.  The position of the building and its prominence in the open landscape was thought to be particularly relevant.


A motion to refuse the application in accordance with the Officer recommendation was moved.


Further discussion took place on the importance of the barn, which was felt to be important in the landscape rather than as heritage asset on its own merit.


The motion to refuse the application was seconded


It was noted that the application was not an application for affordable local needs housing but rather for open market housing.


The motion was voted on and carried.




To REFUSE the application for the following reasons:


I.              The development would cause harm to the significance of the field barn as a heritage asset and its setting. Consequently, it would not deliver conservation or enhancement of a valued vernacular building. The proposals are therefore contrary to Core Strategy policies GSP1, GSP2, L1, L3 and HC1; Development Management policies DMC1, DMC3, DMC5 and DMC10 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


II.            The creation of a new dwelling in this isolated location within the open countryside and the domestication of the site would result in harm to the landscape character and scenic beauty of the National Park. The proposal is therefore contrary to Core Strategy policies GSP1, GSP2 and L1, Development Management policies DMC1 and DMC3 and the National Planning Policy Framework.



Supporting documents: