Agenda item

2022/23 Revenue Budget, 2022/23 Capital Programme and Medium Term Financial Plan 2022/23 TO 2025/26 (JW)


The Head of Finance informed Members of an amendment to paragraph 30 of the report which should have read “The reduction in reserves of £320k” not £295k as stated in the report.  She then went onto highlight some key points in the report for the Members attention.


Members asked whether the energy price rises would have an impact on the budget.  The Head of Finance reported that she has not been made aware of any changes from the Property Team, but that she would speak to them.


Members also asked whether the Covid Reserves could now be redistributed.  The Head of Finance reported that this would be discussed at the May Authority meeting when she would be bringing a report on the 2021/22 outturn position.


The recommendations as set out in the report were moved, seconded, voted on and carried.





To approve the Authority’s annual budget for the 2022/23 financial year as shown in Appendix 1a of the report.


Members noted the Authority’s capital programme for 2022/23 as shown in Appendix 2 of the report.


Members noted the RMM approved projects for investment up to £335k as shown in Appendix 3 of the report.


Members noted the Medium Term Financial Position (MTFP) of the Authority in the period up to March 2026 and the timetable as shown in Appendix 4 of the report.


Members noted the position of the Authority’s Reserves.



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