Agenda item
Full Application - Proposed agricultural building to house and feed livestock and store fodder at South View Farm, Washhouse Bottom, Little Hucklow (NP/DDD/0821/0916 SPW)
Members had visited the site the previous day.
The Planning Officer introduced the report which had been refused by Members at the Planning Committee in June 2021. The Planning Officer informed Members that the differences between the application submitted previously and the one before Members today was the inclusion of a dry stone wall around the perimeter of the building and new tree planting. The building itself would also be around 1 metre lower. The Planning Officer informed Members that the proposal would cause harm to the setting of the Conservation Area and landscape, and that there was an alternative site which would be more acceptable and would also allow for future expansion.
The following spoke under the public participation at meeting scheme:-
Mr N Marriott, Agent
A motion to refuse the application as set out in reason 1 of the report was set out in relation to the siting of the building and harm to the landscape and setting of the Conservation Area. This motion was defeated.
Members considered that the proposal was acceptable and necessary for farming, and that it should be approved.
The Planning Officer suggested appropriate conditions.
A motion to approve the application contrary to the Officer recommendation with final agreement of conditions delegated to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee was voted on and carried.
To APPROVE the application contrary to the Officer recommendation with final agreement of conditions delegated to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee was voted on and carried.
Suggested Conditions:-
1. Standard 3 year time limit
2. Carry out in accordance with amended plans and specifications.
3. Agreement of boundary treatment and landscaping plans.
Supporting documents:
- 0821-0916_South View Farm Cttee Report, item 37/22 PDF 329 KB
- Item 8 - South View Farm, Washhouse Bottom, Little Hucklow, item 37/22 PDF 549 KB