Agenda item
National Park Management Plan Annual Monitoring Report 2021/21 (MM)
The Chair advised that Dianne Jeffery, the Independent Chair of the National Park Management Plan Advisory Group was unfortunately unable to attend the meeting.
The report, which provided Members with monitoring information for the end of the fourth year of the Peak District National Park Management Plan 2018-23, was introduced by the Head of Information and Performance Management.
Members discussed and made comments on the report and plan. These included:
· That Moors for the Future had had one of its most successful delivery years
· On Area 2. Page 24 food production should be mentioned as its importance had grown during the period under review, due to world events.
· Intention 2.2 Page 25- acknowledgment of biodiversity and ecosystem services should be made
· There is a need to be more vocal about the management of grouse moors in the light of the disappearance of 2 male hen harriers at Upper Derwent.
· Intention 6.2 page 31- The Authority should look at the need for affordable housing across the Park rather than on a parish basis
Officers offered the following clarifications in response to questions:
· Heads of Service are given detailed information to enable them to incorporate climate change vulnerability in their service plans
· That Covid had had an impact on delivery in some areas.
The recommendation to approve the report was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
1. To approve the National Park Management Plan Annual Monitoring Report 2021/22.
2. That any necessary changes to the proposed wording of the Annual Monitoring Report are delegated to the Interim Chief Executive.
Supporting documents:
NPMP AMR Authority report, item 35/22
PDF 226 KB
NPMP Year 4 AMR 21-22 text APPENDIX 1, item 35/22
PDF 416 KB
NPMP Actions 2021-22 APPENDIX 2, item 35/22
PDF 422 KB