Agenda item
Full Application - Erection of a pair of semi-detached affordable local needs dwellings at land off Recreation Road, Tideswell (NP/DDD/0222/0190, AM)
Members had visited the site the previous day.
The Head of Planning introduced the report and informed Members that since the report was published a response had been received from the Authority’s Archaeologist which had been tabled for Members, and although there were no objections to the proposal, the Archaeologist recognised the strip field character of the site, and if Members were minded to approve the application, there were some suggested conditions within the response. The Head of Planning also reported that he had also received an email from the Agent who had expressed the following points
· the application has been subject to amended plans, some of which would be highlighted within the presentation
· one of the properties has now been reduced in size from 97m2 to 78m2 which has been achieved by the removal of one of the projecting gables
· the Highway Authority have confirmed that they have no objections to the application providing that the development utilises the existing field access, provides a drive way and turning area and parking area for 2 cars for each house
· more evidence has now been received regarding the local connection of the intended first occupiers and this has confirmed that they are in housing need, however the second occupier already owns a property outside the National Park so under the Home Options Scheme, their need is expressed as a lower priority in terms of the availability of affordable homes across the area.
The following spoke under the public participation at meeting scheme:-
· Mrs S Bates, Applicant
Members asked for clarity on the village housing needs and agreed that there was a nationwide need for housing. Members had no objection to one of the houses, but were concerned that the layout would intrude into the field strip system, so asked for a deferment to allow for more information.
A motion to defer the application so that the Applicants and Officers could work together on the layout, size of the scheme as well as presenting a clearer position regarding housing need evidence was moved and seconded put to the vote and carried
That the application be DEFERRED to allow for the Applicants and Officers to work together on the layout and size of the scheme and to better understand the housing need evidence.
Supporting documents:
- 0222-0190_ Affordable dwellings off Recreation Road Tideswellv2, item 59/22 PDF 378 KB
- Item 5 - Land off Recreation Road, Tideswell, item 59/22 PDF 406 KB