Agenda item

Annual Report on Planning Appeals 2021/2022 (A.1536/AM/BT/KH)


The Head of Planning introduced the report which summarised the work carried out on Planning Appeals over the period 2021/22.


Members noted that the number of appeals dismissed had increased from the previous year, which was a good indicator of the support by the Planning Inspectorate, and that there had been an increase overall in decisions made from the previous years as well.


Members asked how we performed compared to other National Parks?  The Head of Planning reported that he had not seen a table showing this information, but that could be looked at.  It was agreed that each National Park would have significantly different pressures to each other owing to the very different development pressures and numbers of planning applications received in each area.


Members thanked Officers for the report which was very encouraging considering the number of planning applications the Authority received each year.




To note the report.





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