Agenda item

Full Application - Installation of Shepherds Hut for two people, located to the side of an existing silage pit at Barker Fields Farm, Horse Lane, Sheldon (NP/DDD/0222/0194, SC)


The Head of Planning introduced the report and informed Members that although the Parish Council had objected to the proposal based on objections to previous applications and that it would be a precedent as they felt a Shepherd Hut was not in keeping with the local area, the Officers had considered that the development would not have an adverse affect on the area, and was not prominent within the landscape so was acceptable.


The following spoke under the public participation at meeting scheme:


·         Mrs C Frost, Applicant


Members asked that Condition 3 be reworded to include track design and the design and colour of the hut.  Members asked whether the silage pit was still in use and whether the siting of the Shepherds hut next to the silage pit would have an impact?  The Applicant in response, advised Members that the silage pit was still in use but the hut would be approx. 10-15 metres away and would be screened by a wall so wouldn’t cause any issues with the hut.


Members agreed that there would be no landscape intrusion and that it was good to see that the tidying of the site would be done.


A motion to approve the application in accordance with the Officer recommendation and subject to the rewording of Condition 3 by introducing track design and hut colouring was moved and seconded, put to the vote and carried.





That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1.         3 year time limit

2.         Submitted plans & details

3.         Design & materials including track design and hut colouring

4.         Holiday occupancy condition

5.         Retain as single planning unit

6.         Hut to be sited in approved location only

7.         Hut must not be replaced by any other structure or caravan

8.         All new service lines to be underground

9.         Climate mitigation measures to be implemented

10.       Highway matters

11.       Control over external lighting


Supporting documents: