Agenda item
Full Application - Proposed extension to dwelling at The Orchards, Monsdale Lane, Parwich (NP/DDD/0921/0990, SC)
The Head of Planning introduced the report.
The following spoke under the public participation at meeting scheme:-
· Ms L Coyne – Supporter, Statement read out by Democratic Services
· Mr & Mrs Smith – Supporter, Statement read out by Democratic Services
· Mr E Roy & Ms J Millward – Supporter, Statement read out by Democratic Services
· Ms R Ward – on behalf of the Applicant
Members agreed that there could be a solution, so were minded to defer the application to allow the Applicant and Officers to work together, and for the Applicant to provide a Heritage Assessment Statement which would allow a full assessment of impacts upon the buildings heritage significance to be made.
A motion to defer the application so that the Applicant and Officers could work together to explore an improved design that reduced the impacts to the character and appearance of the host dwelling was moved and seconded, put to the vote and carried.
That the application be DEFERRED to allow for the Applicant and Officers to work together to find an improved design solution to reduce the impacts on the host building.
Supporting documents:
- 0921-0990_The Orchards Parwich, item 66/22 PDF 322 KB
- Item 12 - The Orchards, Parwich, item 66/22 PDF 484 KB