Agenda item
Monitoring & Enforcement Quarterly Review - July 2022 (A.1533/AJC)
The report was introduced by the Monitoring & Enforcement Team Manager who provided an update on the report and particularly two cases listed under item 6.
New Vincent Farm – no appeal had been received following the issuing of the enforcement notice, within the deadline date of 30 June. Compliance was expected as the enforcement notice was effective.
Hulme End Caravan Park – enforcement notice in relation to use of land for caravan and camping. Access track created, toilet block erected and advertising on site. No appeal received prior to the enforcement notice coming into effect so the notice came into effect from 1 July.
The two main performance targets of the team are not on track to be met due to issues with filling vacancies in the Monitoring & Enforcement Team. A vacancy that had been filled is again vacant as the candidate for the job changed their mind two days prior to their starting date.
Cllr Andrew Hart stated that he had previously been involved with the site at Hulme End due to concerns regarding the location of the toilet block in relation to the river. Cllr Hart thanked officers for serving the enforcement notice on this site.
Members thanked the Monitoring & Enforcement Team for their work in dealing with all reports received. Members asked what help might be needed with increasing enforcement powers. The Team Manager explained that the new Levelling Up bill included more powers.
The Chair thanked the Team Manager for the clear report and useful information, particularly that contained on page 72 of the report, regarding the current situation. He asked that regular progress reports be given at least annually regarding outstanding enforcement enquires.
It was noted that a review of the Planning Service was taking place and would include the Monitoring and Enforcement Team. The Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee would discuss with the Head of Planning and the Monitoring and Enforcement Team Manager how the demands on the service could be better understood. The Chair requested that the minutes note the concern regarding resources and that the situation be monitored.
The Report was noted with concerns about the number of enforcement cases and available resources.
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