Agenda item

Internal Audit 2021/22 Annual Report


Mr Ian Morton, of Veritau the Authority’s Internal Auditors presented the Report and informed Members that there were no significant control weaknesses and that 5 areas out of the 6 that were audited received the highest assurance, Substantial Assurance with 1 area receiving a Reasonable Assurance. 


Mr Morton reported that the planned Data Security Audit had not been carried out as many staff were working remotely due to covid, however this piece of work would be rolled forward into the next audit year 2022/23. In previous years no serious issues had been identified , and where there were items that needed to be addressed, the issues had been rectified. It was felt these audits had a value and should form part of future audit plans.


On being asked about Officer learning and development the Interim CEO informed Members that regular training for staff is carried out and this continued throughout lockdown albeit by virtual and on-line delivery platforms.


The recommendation as set out in the report was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




To note and accept the 2021/22 Annual Report from the Internal Auditors as set out in Appendix 1 of the report.





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