Agenda item

Programmes & Resources Committee Programme Plan 2022-23


The Interim Chief Executive introduced the report to Members which was to approve the programme themes for the Programmes and Resources Committee for 2022/23 and onwards, which aligned to the emerging National Park Management Plan rather than the National Parks England’s Delivery Plan. Future reports to the Committee would be based on the themes to enable a fuller discussion around what the Authority have been working on and enable Members to build and develop a wider understanding of the work being pursued under the themes.  One theme would be focussed on at a meeting but if there was business that needed to be discussed outside of that theme it would be added to the agenda.


The four themes agreed were:-


           Climate Change

           Landscape and Nature Recovery

           A Welcoming Place

           Thriving Communities


The Chair of Programmes and Resources confirmed that working in line with the National Park’s England delivery mechanisms had worked well, but it was felt aligning with the 4 aims of the evolving National Park Management Plan would enable greater alliance with the Management Plan and how that was taken forward, enabling Members to develop a greater understanding of the 4 themes.


Members were concerned that the subject matter was so wide and asked whether there would be resources available to address those issues. The review of the NPMP was currently continuing with focused objectives for the next 5 years being drafted with partners and stakeholders together with a suite of actions for delivery. As this works continues the ongoing review of the medium term financial plan will identify implications on resources with options regarding cost reduction plans to be implemented from 2023/24 developed and shared with Members at the forthcoming autumn workshops and being brought to Members for discussion later in the year.


The recommendation as set out in the report was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.



Members approved the four programme themes for the Programmes and Resources Committee from 2022-23 as Climate Change, Landscape and Nature Recovery, A Welcoming Place and Thriving Communities.


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