Agenda item
Full Application - Demolition of the existing structures on site, the erection of a new residential dwelling, works of hard and soft landscaping, installation of package treatment plant and other works incidental to the application proposals at Newlands Farm, Coplow Dale, Little Hucklow (NP/DDD/0621/0670, SPW)
Cllr Chapman left the room for the duration of this item and returned at 12.10
Some Members of the Committee had visited the site the previous day.
The Planning Officer introduced the report which outlined the reasons for refusal. He advised that on page 124, paragraph 24 to the end of the second bullet point, should be added “they should not undermine the achievement of other core policies”
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Mr Nick Marriot, Agent
Members discussed “enhancement” and potential conflict with other policies e.g. was housing considered an acceptable development on a site which would not otherwise be deemed suitable for housing as it is outside a named settlement, if it would provide enhancement to the landscape by replacing dilapidated existing non residential buildings? It was felt that this was a question that could be taken up in the Local Plan Review.
Members agreed that they were keen to see an enhancement to this site but that they could not approve this proposal. Any revised proposal should also consider whether replacement farm buildings would be required in addition to a new residence. Officers were encouraged to have further discussions with the applicant to identify an acceptable scheme for the site.
A motion to refuse the application in accordance with the Officer recommendation was proposed and seconded, put to the vote and carried.
To REFUSE the application for the following reasons:
1. The application site is in an unsustainable location in the open countryside, outside a designated settlement. The erection of an unrestricted, open market dwelling in this location would be contrary to Core Strategy policies GSP1, GSP3, DS1, HC1, and L1. The development would result in a dwelling with no essential functional need and no functional relationship to the land.
2. The location and separation of the proposed dwelling from the hamlet of Coplow Dale, coupled with the scale, massing and design, do not represent an enhancement of the quality and significance anticipated by policy. The harm resulting is not outweighed by the benefit that the removal of the existing buildings would provide. The proposed development would represent unsustainable development within the National Park, contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework.
Supporting documents:
- 0621-0670_ Newlands.v2, item 85/22 PDF 310 KB
- Item 6 - Newlands Farm, Little Hucklow, item 85/22 PDF 358 KB