Agenda item
Full Application - Change of use from existing stone barn to a local needs dwelling, Holly Bank Barn, Butterton (NP/SM/0922/1144) MN
The report was introduced by the Planning Area Manager who outlined the reasons for approval as set out in the report. He advised that in paragraph 5, the sentence stating that “no garden space is proposed” should be deleted.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Mr Tom Meakin, Applicant
Members requested clarification as to whether a more favourable recommendation might be reached if an application were made for an agricultural workers dwelling, and were advised that no conclusive comment could be provided on that without the further information on agricultural need which would form part of such an application. However based on the information already provided about the farming operation, it was unlikely that an agricultural workers dwelling would be justified.
Members stated the following concerns:
· The lack information regarding any Climate Change provision
· The lack of an up to date protected species report
· Insufficient information to demonstrate that the Applicant was in housing need
· The impact of inappropriate development in open countryside
· The likelihood of the proposed one bedroom conversion requiring extension in the future.
Members expressed sympathy with the situation of the Applicant and his desire to live in the local area and noted that the barn was considered to be an important heritage asset. They stated that they felt that there was potential for many of the above issues to be addressed by the Applicant. After these matters had been resolved, the effect of the conversion and domestication on the landscape could then be assessed at a future meeting. In the meantime it could also be considered if there was a more appropriate solution or site to address the Applicant’s housing need.
Officers advised that if the application was deferred, any further bat survey work would have to be carried out in the Spring, due to the hibernation period.
A motion to defer the application was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried
That the application be DEFERRED for further information to be provided by the Applicant and for further discussions to take place.
Supporting documents:
- 0922-1144_Holly Bank Barn, Buttertonv2, item 118/22 PDF 358 KB
- Item 6 - Holly Bank Barn, Butterton, item 118/22 PDF 484 KB