Agenda item
Full Application - Reinstatement of entrance canopy and bargeboards, provision of new windows and doors, re-forming of existing emergency escape ramp, installation of septic tank, removal of chimney stack, and installation of PV cells at Pomeroy Memorial Hall, Flagg (NP/DDD/0822/1062/ALN)
The Head of Planning introduced the report, and informed Members that although the Highways Authority had objected to the application, the Authority considered that there were insufficient grounds for refusal on safety grounds as it was felt that the alterations would not lead to an intensification of the building or the vehicular and pedestrian access.
The Officer informed Members that the Hall, which was well maintained, and was a Community Asset currently unused and that the Community were keen to bring it back into use.
Members asked for an additional condition for outside lighting to be added to the recommendation, which was agreed.
A motion to approve the application in accordance with the Officer recommendation and subject to an additional condition regarding outside lighting was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:
1) 3 year implementation period
2) Adopt amended plans
3) Written Scheme of Investigation for a scheme of archaeological monitoring/watching brief to be submitted and implemented.
4) Solar pv panels to be black and non-reflective, with no visible external framing
5) Retaining walls to access ramp to match the existing stonework
6) Barge boards to be painted a recessive colour.
7) No hardsurfacing of paddock to the east of the building.
8. Outside lighting to be agreed.
Supporting documents:
- 0822-1062_Pomeroy Memorial HallMN, item 8/23 PDF 337 KB
- Item 6 - Pomeroy Memorial Hall, Flagg, item 8/23 PDF 356 KB