Agenda item
Full Application - For the installation of a solar powered car park machine and associated base, pedestrian area and signage at Narlow Lane Car Park, Thorpe (NP/DDD/1122/1456, DH)
Items 14 and 15 were presented and discussed together, but voted on separately.
These items were brought forward on the agenda due to the speakers having arrived.
The report was presented by the Planning Officer who set out the reasons for approval as outlined in the report.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Steve Woodall – Objector (statement read out by Sir Richard Fitzherbert)
· Sir Richard Fitzherbert – Objector
· Andrew Bock, Chair of Thorpe Parish Council – Objector (statement read out by Democratic Services)
Members noted that whilst the concerns of the community and of some Members present, were acknowledged, a decision had already been taken by the Authority on the principal of charging at these car parks. However Members hoped that the situation regarding potential dispersal of vehicles outside the car parks as a result of charging, would be monitored and that the Authority would work with partners to minimise this.
A motion to approve the application was moved and seconded.
Members queried why the proposed site for the equipment at Narlow Lane, was in such a prominent location in the car park. It was felt that the equipment could be relocated to a place with less landscape impact, but which could still be easily seen by customers. It was therefore proposed to support the application subject to amendment of the position of the installation within the car park, which was to be negotiated by officers and approved by the Chair an Vice Chair.
A motion to continue the meeting past three hours was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.
A motion to approve the application, subject to the amendment of the precise position of the installation in consultation with Chair and Vice Chair was voted on and carried.
To delegate approval of the application to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair the approval to be subject to the following conditions: |
1. Statutory time limit
2. The development to be in accordance with the submitted specifications received 18/11/2022, and the amended site plan received 14/12/2022
Supporting documents:
1122-1456_ Narlow Lane Car Park Committee Report, item 46/23
PDF 238 KB
Item 14 - Narlow Lane Car Park, Thorpe, item 46/23
PDF 386 KB