Agenda item
Full Application - Extension to affordable dwelling from 2 to 3 bedrooms at 1 New Edge View, Unnamed Road from Cresswell Part Lane to Michlow Lane, Smalldale, Bradwell (NP/DDD/0123/008, WE)
The report was introduced by the Planning Officer who outlined the reasons for refusal as set out in the report.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· James Darwent – Agent, statement read out by Democratic Services
Members queried the assertion in the report that garages should be included in calculations of the floor space in applications for affordable dwellings. The Head of Planning advised that this had been dealt with in a paper that had been taken to a previous committee which had stated that garages should be included if they were integral.
Members felt that they were not bound by this paper which was outside of agreed Local Plan policy and had been noted rather than approved. If there was a concern that the garage might be converted at a later date, Members suggested a condition be put in place to prevent this.
Members acknowledged the applicant’s need for larger family accommodation and felt that this provided a good justification for the scheme.
A motion to approve the application, contrary to Officer recommendation was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.
To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions:
1. Standard time limit for implementation
2. In accordance with approved plans
3. Garage to be maintained for use as a garage in perpetuity
4. Materials to match existing
5. Minor design details to match existing
Cllr Hart left the meeting at 14.30
Supporting documents:
- 0123-0008_1 New Edge View Committee Reportbjt, item 39/23 PDF 335 KB
- Item 7 - 1 New Edge View, Bradwell, item 39/23 PDF 396 KB