Agenda item

Full Application - Erection of convenience store with associated access, parking and landscaping at Land adjacent north side of Whitecross Road adjacent east boundary of Tideswell Business Park, Tiideswell (NP/DDD/1222/1577, JRS)


Some Members had visited the site the previous day.


The report was presented by the Planning Officer who presented the reasons for approval, he also added that the change to opening times suggested in the conditions by the report author, had not been acceptable to the applicant and upon further consideration had been deemed unnecessary.  Therefore condition 6 should be amended to state that the opening hours would be 7am to 10pm throughout the week.


Additionally a condition would be necessary to agree the means of disposal of spoil from the excavation and the final contours.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Mark Boyd- Agent


Members expressed some concern over the impact on other shops in Tideswell and the impact on taking business away from the centre of the village, however it was noted that competition is not a material planning consideration.  Regarding the impact on the village centre, the Planning Officer advised that no specific report had been received on that issue, rather a balanced judgment had been made regarding the scale of the development and it being a replacement for the existing store which was no longer fit for purpose.  It was considered that the benefits would outweigh any slight harm.


Members discussed the orientation of the proposed building, which the Planning Officer advised had been the subject of pre application discussion which had concluded that the proposed orientation would be the  most suitable.


The proposed measures relating to Climate Change mitigation were felt to be important by Members. It was requested that the Officers ensure these measures were carried out to meet policy CC1.  A ground source heat pump was suggested.


A motion to approve the application in line with Officer recommendation, with the additional condition relating to spoil disposal and contours, and the amended condition regarding opening hours, was proposed and seconded.


Members also suggested the installation of electric vehicle charging points.  The Planning Officer advised that the Highways Authority did not consider this necessary as the development was a convenience store, which customers were only expected to visit for a short time, however as Members felt strongly about it, it could be raised with the applicant.


Members queried the ownership of an area of grass verge which the Planning Officer advised was in the ownership of the Highways Authority.


The motion to approve the application was voted on and carried.





To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions:

























1.    3 year commencement.


2.    Restrict use to a convenience store within the Use Classes Order.


3.    In accordance with submitted plans, subject to detailed design conditions, including use of natural limestone for external walling and boundary walling.


4.    Details of any external lighting to be submitted to and agreed by Authority.


5.    Carry out agreed landscaping scheme within first planting season following commencement of development.


6.    Hours of opening and delivery (not to exceed 7am to 10pm Monday- Sunday).


7.    Archaeological watching brief during excavation.


8.    Scheme of environmental management measures to be submitted and carried out.


9.    Highway conditions.


10.  Regulation of disposal of soil and final contours to be agreed.







Supporting documents: