Agenda item
Full Application - Proposed renovation and conversion of vacant barn/stable to one bedroom holiday let at Barn at Upper Yeld Road, Bakewell (NP/DDD/1022/1333 GB)
Some members had visited the site the previous day.
The report was presented by the Planning Officer who outlined the reasons for approval as set out in the report.
A motion to approve the application was moved, seconded, put to the vote, and carried.
To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions - |
1. |
Standard time limit
2. |
Carry out in accordance with specified approved plans
3. |
Agree details, recess and finish of timber windows and doors, including a scheme of obscuring and fixing for hayloft opening
4. |
The roof shall be clad with stone slate to match the existing
5. |
Cast metal RWGs painted black and installed on rise and fall brackets directly to the stonework without the use of fascia
6. |
Use limited self-catered holiday occupation for up to two persons maximum at any one time
Supporting documents:
- 1022-1333 Barn Upper Yeld Road draft Com Rept V2, item 44/23 PDF 334 KB
- Item 12 - Barn at Upper Yeld Road, Bakewell, item 44/23 PDF 382 KB