Agenda item

Chair's Report


The Chair of the Authority provided the following verbal update to Members:


He had attended and spoken at the 20th Anniversary of the Environmental Quality Mark.

He had joined other Members in attending Andrew McCloy’s leaving party.

He had met with the Chief Executive of the Derbyshire Dales District Council and they had discussed several topics, including:

·         Local needs housing

·         Visitor centres, especially Bakewell Visitor Centre

·         The need for strong partnership between the PDNPA and it’s constituent authorities

·         DDDC had provided data on second home ownership across the Derbyshire Dales, which was being shared with the Policy team at the Authority

·         The single funding grant figure for housing providers, which is the same across the country regardless of the cost of provision

The Chair had also been to Edale to attend the funeral of Gordon Miller, a long-standing, influential, and much loved Peak District Ranger.

He also reminded Members that they should have received a copy of the newsletter that goes out to constituent MP’s.

The Chair had also received the annual letter from the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman reviewing the complaints they’d received during 2022-23 which said that 2 complaints had been received and neither were upheld.   The letter will be reported to the Authority meeting in September.

He finished by saying he’d had lots of invitations to attend meetings, notably from National Parks England and National Parks Partnership.