Agenda item

Outline Permission: Proposed Commercial/Retail-Led Development mixed use Development, Associated Works and Demolition of Existing Buildings at Riverside Business Park, Buxton Road, Bakewell


The Chair explained that this item had been bought to committee for information only as the proposals at Riverside were a material consideration in the determination of item 7 on the agenda.


The Planning Manager South Area Team explained the reasons for bringing this item to committee on the same day as item 7 and the relationship between the approval for a food store at Riverside and the improvements to the bridge to the site.   The outline plan also includes additional retail units and a hotel but the hotel is not dependant on the improvements to the bridge. 


Riverside Business Park is overdue for redevelopment but the success of this would be dependent on the improvements to the bridge access and the approval of a food store on site would provide funding for the bridge work.


The current proposal has several issues including compliance with planning policy and the potential impact of the proposals on a range of designated and non-designated heritage assets.


50 letters of support have been received for the proposal.


The Committee were advised of the contents of an email sent by the previous Chief Executive suggesting that the planning application for the Cintride Site (which appears on this meeting Agenda as item 7) would not be heard until this application was ready to be heard.  The Committee were advised that, following legal advice taken by planning officers, any decision to defer that item for consideration alongside the application was a matter for Members when they consider item 7.  If a decision to defer item 7 is made then this could lead to an appeal by the applicant in that application for a deemed refusal.


The recommendation to note the report to planning committee was voted on and carried.




To note the report and the planning merits of the proposals for a foodstore at Riverside Business Park to be taken into account in the determination of Planning Application NP/DDD/0115/0043 for the demolition of existing industrial and office buildings and construction of new food store, car park, access roads and paths, and associated drainage works at the former Cintride Site, Buxton Road, Bakewell.   



Supporting documents: