Agenda item

2022/23 Year End Performance Report, 2022/23 Performance and Business Plan and 2023/24 Corporate Risk (A91941/EF)


The report which provided Members with the 2022/23 Performance and Business Plan and 2023/24 Corporate Risk Register, was presented by the Head of Information and Performance Management.  She also clarified in that Appendix 2b the targets for the “enabling” delivery aim were correct, however the targets for aims 1-4 needed to be removed as they were National Park Management Plan targets not Authority Plan targets.


The following additional information was provided by Officers in response to questions from Members:


·         Local nature Recovery Strategies would be county based in future

·         p.133 KPI13- Visitor centres had over achieved their target, and this was a good achievement by the staff involved, but the centres were still operating at a significant deficit and were not engaging with sufficient numbers of people.

·         P.136 KPI16 – Officers would consider further how or whether the Parish Statements related to the objective.  The statements would be reviewed when census data became available.

·         Neighbourhood Plans were just one of the interventions that the Authority carries out to help communities.  Other smaller interventions and projects were also supported.

·         P.137 where it is stated that this work will not continue, this could be reworded to better communicate current priorities and the focus on the Local Plan Review

·         On p.153 there were no actions  that the Authority is undertaking on its own as these were in the National Park Management Plan

·         P.171 the risk was around organisational change and how this may affect the delivery of the Authority Plan

Members made the following additional points:


·         A KPI regarding visitor pressure on communities would be useful

·         Targets should be realistic and not set outside the year

·         The Climate Change Steering Group had been disbanded

·         Further attention needed to be paid to Enforcement in the document, in addition to updating the Local Enforcement Plan, particularly given the potential reputational damage to the authority of issues not being addressed.  A further risk should be included to monitor this.

·         P.184 the conflict between “Welcoming Place” and pressure on communities should be acknowledged as a risk.


Cllr Murphy left the meeting at 11.44





1.    To review and agree any actions to address issues in the Q4 and year end performance reports in Appendices 1a and 1b of the report


2.    To approve the Performance and Business Plan content in Appendix 2a and 2b of the report, and completion of details to be delegated to the Chief Executive, to allow publication by the statutory deadline of 30 June.



3.    That the 2022/23 year end corporate risk register in Appendix 3 of the report is reviewed and the status of risks accepted.


4.    That the start of year 2023/24 corporate risk register in Appendix 4 is reviewed and the proposed risks agreed.



5.    That the status of complaints, Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations requests in Appendix 5 is noted


Supporting documents: