Agenda item
Moor Green Investment - Combs Moss Restoration Project (DC)
The report, which sought approval for the Moors for the Future Partnership to move into the delivery stage of the Combs Moss restoration Project, was presented by the Head of the Moors for the Future Partnership.
A motion to approve the recommendations was moved and seconded.
Officers confirmed that the project covered the whole of Combs Moss, including areas owned by United Utilities.
Members asked whether there was a process in place to establish which private companies the Authority is comfortable working with on green finance initiatives. Officers advised that the project had been considered by Due Diligence Panel, and this included consideration of any potential reputational issues. It had been decided that the benefit of the project would outweigh any potential public concerns.
The motion to approve the recommendation was put to the vote and carried.
1. To approve acceptance of up to £1m of private finance from Nestle and Severn Trent Water for the delivery of restoration and monitoring works on Combs Moss between 2023-28 with acceptance of agreements and funds for this delegated to the Head of Moors for Future Partnership in consultation with Monitoring Officer and Chief Finance Officer.
2. That as registering the site with the Peatland code may produce further requests from the landowner to support the requirements of the code, that approval to enter into agreements and accept funds for this be delegated to the Head of Moors for Future Partnership in consultation with Monitoring Officer and Chief Finance Officer.
3. That the Authority may, subject to compliance with its procurement standing orders, enter into contracts and agreements in order to spend funds and deliver the required outcomes of the agreements.
A vote to continue the meeting past three hours was carried.
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