Agenda item
Full Application - Proposed agricultural 'L' shaped building to house livestock and store fodder and access track at Land south of B5056, Fenny Bentley - (NP/DDD/1222/1557 GB)
The report was presented by the Planning Officer who outlined the reasons for refusal as set out in the report.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Jo Harrison - Agent
The following concerns were raised by Members:
· The location of the scheme being low lying might exacerbate current drainage issues on the site which already cause run off and may result in erosion.
· It was unclear whether the development was the minimum necessary to serve the land.
· The impact on the landscape may exceed the agricultural benefit.
· The proposed building may not be essential as transporting fodder between sites is common agricultural practice.
Members highlighted the need for a site visit in order to better[CR1] understand the setting of the proposals, which some Members considered was difficult based on the plans and photographs alone.
A motion to defer the recommendations until a site visit can occur was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried.
To DEFER the application pending a site visit to assess the landscape setting of the site . |
[CR1]What were the reasons for the site visit?
Supporting documents:
1222-1557_Fenny Bentley agricultural building, item 66/23
PDF 396 KB
Item 5 - Land South of B5056, Fenny Bentley, item 66/23
PDF 362 KB