Agenda item

Conservation of habitats and species regulations 2019 - proposed restoration and extension of Thornseat Lodge and ancillary buildings to form holiday accommodation and guest facilities; erection of events venue; alterations to existing access including parking facilities; enhanced site landscaping, Thornseat Lodge, Mortimer Road, Sheffield (NP/S/1022/1300, JRS)


Item 10 was dealt with at the same time as Item 11 but the votes were taken separately. Please see full minute detail in minute 76/23 below.


The proposal was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




1.      To adopt the report as the Authority’s assessment of likely significant effects on internationally important protected habitats and species under Regulation 63 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2019 (as amended) in relation to the current planning application at Thornseat Lodge.




Supporting documents: