Agenda item

Full Application - Demolition of farm buildings and the erection of two new farm buildings, with associated building operations at Pump Farm, School Lane, Warslow (NP/SM/0123/0037) /ALN)


Some Members had visited the site the previous day.


The report was presented by the Planning Officer who outlined reasons for approval as set out in the report.


Members expressed some concerns over lighting and that the concrete panels could be seen from a long way away. Planning Officers confirmed that they could add a condition to make the concrete panels less obvious.


Members also said that they had witnessed lots of swifts while on the site visit and requested a condition for the development to be swift-friendly and in a way that this can be maintainable throughout the lifetime of the development.


A motion to approve the application subject to extra conditions about the visibility of the concrete panels and the swift-friendly nature of the development was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried.




To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions:


1.         3-year time limit


2.         Adopt submitted plans


3.         Existing buildings to be fully removed prior to the new buildings being brought into use.


4 .        Recommendations within the Arboricultural Method Statement at section 6 of the submitted Arboricultural Impact Assessment by Jon Coe Tree Consultancy Limited shall be fully adhered to.  The new trees shall be an even mixture of whips, feathered trees, standard and heavy standards.


5.         The new tree planting as specified in section 6 of the submitted Arboricultural Impacts Assessment by Jon Coe Tree Consultancy Ltd shall be carried out in the first planting season following completion of occupation of the approved development (whichever is sooner).  Thereafter any trees that die, or become seriously damaged or diseased, shall be replaced within the next planting season with new tree of an equivalent size and species or in accordance with an alternative scheme to be approved by the National Park Authority.


6.         With regard to bats, all works to be undertaken in accordance with section 4.4.2 of the submitted ecological appraisal.


7.         Before works commence on the infilling of the slurry store, details of a new pond on near the site to be submitted and agreed.  Pond to be completed before the slurry store is infilled.


8.         Lighting strategy as detailed in section of the ecological appraisal to be implemented


9.         Works on trees identified as having bat roost potential should be inspected prior to removal/disturbance by a suitably qualified ecologist.


10.       Works to take place outside of the bird breeding season unless otherwise agreed.


11.       Ecological enhancement strategy, including amongst other things swift habitat provision, to be submitted, agreed and implemented.


12.       Working Method statement in respect of Great Crested Newt to be submitted, agreed and implemented.


13.       Timber space boarding on south east elevation of livestock building to be brought down to ground level.


14.       Buildings to be removed when no longer required for the purposes of agriculture


15.       Cladding to be brought further down to cover more of the concrete panels




Supporting documents: