Agenda item

Full Application: Proposed Change of use of Redundant Barn to Dwelling, Including Removal of Lean-to Extension and Replacement With 2-Storey Pitched Roof Extension, Frost Barn, Sycamore Farm, Fawfieldhead, Longnor


Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The officer reported that although in officers’ opinion Frost Barn met the planning criteria for conversion into an open market dwelling, the Core Strategy allowed for in principle conversions of such valued vernacular buildings only where there would be no harm either to the building or to its landscape setting.


On balance, Members felt that the proposals would have an adverse effect on the landscape and therefore could not be justified. A motion to refuse the application was moved and seconded on the basis of landscape impact and the poor structural state of the barn.




That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:



The barn occupies a prominent and exposed position in a landscape of exceptional value that should be safeguarded because of its intrinsic scenic beauty. The current proposals would fail to meet/achieve this objective and the proposed residential conversion of the barn would spoil the character and setting of the barn and would not achieve its conservation or enhancement by virtue of the significant amount of rebuilding required for its conversion and by virtue of the introduction of a domestic use and associated developments in this sensitive location. The proposals would therefore be contrary to Core Strategy policies GSP1, GSP2, GSP3, L1 and L3, saved Local Plan policies LC4 and LC8, and national planning policies in the Framework.




In this case, by virtue of its remote and isolated location in open countryside and by virtue of the harmful impacts associated with the barn conversion, the benefits of granting planning permission for the development proposals would be significantly and demonstrably outweighed by the adverse impacts of doing so. Therefore, the proposals are contrary to the principles of sustainable development set out in Core Strategy policy GSP1 and national planning policies in the Framework.


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