Agenda item
Full Application - Proposed annex to rear of dwelling and associated works at Heatherlea, The Hillock, Curbar (NP/DDD/0323/0314, EJ)
The report was introduced by the Planning Officer who outlined the reasons for approval as set out in the report. He noted that there were some adjustments to the recommendations.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Marsha North, Objector – statement read out by Jane Newman
· Sandra Poxton, Objector
· Professor Tony Crook – Curbar Parish Council Representative
· Terry Bedford, Applicant – statement read out by Democratic Services
This report was deferred at the previous Planning Committee in order to obtain clarity about the accuracy of the submitted plans. The Planning Officer confirmed that amended plans now showed the building sited 1m away from the neighbours building and with much less excavation than previously proposed. He also clarified that there were no known land stability issues and that there would be a duty of care by excavators, especially on the surrounding foundations.
Members expressed concerns over the possibility of the applicants changing the use of the building to a holiday let, to which it was confirmed that the conditions of the application’s approval would restrict the use to that applied for meaning any change to holiday letting would require prior approval via a further application for planning permission.
There were also concerns expressed about the narrowness of the lanes, the number of vehicles and the parking.
It was noted that there was no mention of sustainability in the report and Planning Officers confirmed that more could be done in this regard and a condition can be added to improve this.
A motion to approve the application subject to the amended conditions and the addition of a new sustainability condition was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried.
Cllr Potter requested that her vote against the motion be recorded.
That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:
1. Standard time limit for commencement of development
2. Development in accordance with specified amended plans which include the amended plan showing the finished floor level of the proposed annex.
3. The accommodation hereby permitted shall be ancillary to the dwelling house known as Heatherlea and shall not be occupied as an independent dwelling house. It shall be maintained within the same planning unit as the dwelling house known as Heatherlea and shall not be occupied independently as holiday accommodation during the lifetime of the development.[KJ1]
4. Removal of permitted development rights for alterations and extensions and means of enclosure to the ancillary dwelling hereby approved.
5. Rooflights to be fitted flush with the roof slope.
6 Rooflights to be heritage type in accordance with details submitted to the Authority. (details being submitted in time for meeting)
7. The roofing material shall be Hardrow ‘Old Stone tiles’ to match the bungalow.
8. The walling material shall be coursed natural gritstone, laid, coursed and pointed to match the existing bungalow.
9. Maintain parking spaces.
10. Submit and agree an environmental sustainability report prior to commencing work.
[KJ1]This is the exact wording in the committee report which members agreed to so needs to stay as is.
Supporting documents:
- 0323-0314_Heatherlea Comittee Report JK checked, item 91/23 PDF 357 KB
- Item 7 - Heatherlea, Curbar, item 91/23 PDF 390 KB