Agenda item
Appointment of Interim Monitoring Officer (PM)
The Chief Executive introduced the report to Members to appoint the Customer and Democratic Support Manager as Interim Monitoring Officer from the Ist October 2023 until the new Authority Solicitor starts, when they then become the Monitoring Officer which will hopefully be in 3 months time.
The Democratic Services Manager was previously appointed as the interim Monitoring Officer but due to the agreed organisational changes the Democratic Services Manager post had been disestablished. The appointment of the temp appointment of Monitoring Officer ensures that the Authority continues to operate within required legislation.
Members asked whether a further report would be brought to Authority in due course to make the new Authority Solicitor the Monitoring Officer when they start, but the CEO reported that this would not be necessary as the Authority had already agreed it as part of the organisational changes.
To appoint the Customer and Democratic Support Manager as interim Monitoring Officer from 1 October 2023 until the new Authority Solicitor becomes the Monitoring Officer following further implementation of the organisational changes.
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