Agenda item

New Pay Grade Structure (TR)


Theresa Reid, the Head of People Management, presented the report to Members to inform them about the Authority’s current labour market position regarding its pay structure: and to seek a decision from Members on the proposal for a new pay grade structure. 


The recommendations being put forward are a result of a comprehensive pay review with consultations with the Staff Committee and Trade Union representatives.  Members were thanked for their input into the process.  The Finance Team are closely involved and all staff have been consulted.  Members were pleased to see such an extensive staff consultation process and welcomed the feedback from the staff and the Management responses to the feedback.  It was gratifying to see that staff are understanding and accepting of the situation.


Option 3B would mean that all staff get a pay increase which will mean that the pay grades are closer to the Public Sector Median and is affordable for the Authority.  It was acknowledged that other recruitment and retention incentives and allowances need to be reviewed as part of the overall salary package.


Members enquired about staff morale and how it had been low earlier in the re-structure process.  Theresa Reid felt that staff morale had improved now that the re-structure had taken place.


Members thanked Theresa Reid for her considerable work on this project.  They felt it was frustrating that due to outside budget constraints the Public Sector Median could not be reached. 


The recommendation as set out in the report was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




1.    That Members note the Authority’s market position of its pay structure in comparison to direct competitors for labour.

2.    That Members approve the new pay grade structure proposed – Option 3B

3.    That Members support exploration of recruitment and retention incentives to be used for hard-to-fill posts.

4.    That Members support a review of Authority allowances with regional local authorities and other national park authorities.


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