Agenda item

Planning Appeals Monthly Report


A point was raised regarding the first item in the report relating to NP/HPK/0922/1170 3321415 - use of a field as a seasonal campsite between 1 March and 1 October at Land to the east of Bamford Tennis Club, Water Lane, Bamford.  This appeal was made against non-determination and not against a refusal as would normally be the case. As such the submission made by the National Park Authority was akin to a normal planning assessment and in this case officers recommended approval.


The Parish Council had made strong objections. In normal circumstances this would have triggered an application to be heard and considered at Planning Committee as a view running contrary to an officer recommendation. However, as this was an appeal against non-determination, this normal practice had not been undertaken. The Parish Council objection, along with other representations were addressed and considered in the draft delegated report that was submitted by the Authority, nevertheless the point was made that under standing orders the issues raised would normally be considered by members and asked therefore that the procedural issues this raises be considered by officers for future similar cases.


The recommendation to note the report, was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




To note the report.


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