Agenda item
Members Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.
Item 7
Several Members over time have received representations from one of the speakers but have not committed to any views regarding this application.
Item 9
Cllr Brady serves on Taddington Parish Council however when this item came for discussion at the Parish Council meeting Cllr Brady did not vote.
Item 11
A number of Members knew the Agent as a previous employee of the Peak District National Park Authority.
Item 12
A number of Members had received an email from the Applicant however no Member had responded to the Applicant.
Item 13
Cllr Hanley has prior knowledge of this item but stated he has no prejudicial interest.
Item 14
A number of Members knew the Agent as a previous employee of the Peak District National Park Authority.
10.05am Cllr Buckler attended the meeting