Agenda item

Minutes of previous meeting


The minutes of the last meeting of the Planning Committee held on 7 August 2015 were approved as a correct record subject to the following amendments:


1.       Minute 92/15 – Declarations of interest


Item 6


To add the words “except Cllr Mrs C Howe who only received 3”


Item 14


Rearrange to read “Caroline Howe, personal interest, as part of the Parish of Chapel en le Frith is in her High Peak Borough Council ward.


2.       Minute 98/15


Delete condition 3 and record that the application was approved subject to a section 106 agreement to secure parking at the public house.


3        Minute 102/15


Amend the introductory text to record that 96% of those voting supported the adoption of the development plan.


The Director of Planning provided an update on minute 94/15 confirming that the National Planning Casework Unit had made contact with the Authority requesting that the decision notice for this application was not issued until a decision had been made on whether this application should be called in by the Secretary of State. At the time of the meeting a final decision had not been made.


Supporting documents: