Agenda item

2022/23 Annual Governance Statement


There were no updates to the presented report. 


There was a discussion around Core Principle A- Issue 3 and whether it would be more appropriate within Core Principles D or E. It was agreed that Officers should amend the current Annual Governance Statement (AGS) accordingly and agreement was delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair of the Authority.


Members felt that there was scarcity in the report regarding governance arrangements and the effectives of the arrangements to deliver our aims. It was noted that this is a backward looking report (2022/23) and the points raised will be taken forward when producing the Annual Governance Statement for 2023/24.


There was a question to where the core principles come from and whether they overlap each other e.g. B and G both mention openness and transparency and there was possible duplication here. It was noted that the core principles are given to the Authority by CIPFA.


It was agreed that the Governance Review Working Group would consider the issues raised with regard to the format, content and nature of the content for future AGS reports.


The recommendations, with the agreed amendment to recommendation 1, were moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




1.    To approve the Annual Governance Statement for 2022/23 for sign off by the Chief Executive Officer and the Chair of the Authority, subject to Officers reviewing the relevant sections (Core Principle A) and delegated to the Chair and the Chief Executive to agree the changes.


2.    To authorise the Monitoring Officer, following consultation with the Chair of the Authority, to make minor changes to the Code of Corporate Governance each year following publication of the Annual Governance Statement.


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