Full Application - Demolition of existing cabins and office floorspace, extension to existing industrial building, works of hard and soft landscaping and other works associated with the proposals at The Old Lime Kilns, Pittlemere Lane, Tideswell Moor, Tideswell (NP/DDD/1123/1329, P 6009, HF)
Some Members had visited the site
the previous day.
The Planning Officer presented
the report and outlined the reasons for refusal as set out in the
report. It was noted that this application is similar to a scheme
submitted in 2022 which was refused under policy due to the size of
the development. It was acknowledged that this current application
is an improvement on the original scheme.
The following spoke under the
public participation at meetings scheme:
Alison Daniels,
Tideswell Parish Council,
Andrew Bettney, Applicant
Members agreed that the site
visit had been useful and recognised that previous concerns over
storage space had been resolved.
Members were minded to go against Officer recommendation and
approve the application. Approval of
this application would regularise previous unauthorised development
and equip Tideswell Welding Services
for the future. It was recognised the
business provided employment and training opportunities for local
people within the National Park.
A motion to approve the
application was proposed and seconded, put to the vote and
That the application be APPROVED
subject to the following conditions:-
Standard time
Accordance with specified plans
and documents
No development shall commence
until full details of the proposed foul water drainage and
treatment to a sewage treatment plant have been submitted to and
approved in writing by the National Park Authority. The development
shall then not be carried out other than in complete accordance
with the approved details which shall be completed prior to the
first occupation of the development hereby
Prior to the first occupation
of the development hereby approved a detailed scheme of noise
attenuation measures to be incorporated into the development shall
be submitted to and approved in writing by the National Park
Authority. The approved details shall then be fully installed prior
to the occupation of the development and thereafter maintained
throughout the lifetime of the development.
Prior to the installation of
the solar panels, a detailed scheme for their size, appearance and
method of fixing shall be submitted to and approved in writing by
the National Park Authority. The solar panels shall be fitted in
accordance with the approved scheme before the dwelling is first
The sheeting for the roof and
walls of the extensions hereby approved and the external surfaces
of the doors shall be factory colour-coated to BS 5252 Ref. No
12B29 (Juniper Green) and thereafter the sheets and doors shall not
be repainted or replaced other than that colour without the prior
written approval of the National Park Authority.
The stonework for the lower
sections of the external walls on the south west elevation shall be
natural limestone.
Notwithstanding the provisions
of the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development
Order 2015 the use of the building hereby approved shall be
restricted to general industry (Use Class B2) only and for no other
The hours of operation of the
development hereby permitted shall be restricted to 07:00 - 17:00
hours Monday - Friday; and at no times on weekends or Bank
No deliveries, loading,
unloading or other servicing activities shall take place at the
premises other than between the hours of 07:00 - 17.00 hours Monday
- Friday; and at no times on weekends or Bank
There shall be no storage of
any plant, machinery, materials or waste unless in accordance with
a scheme which shall have first been submitted to and approved in
writing by the National Park Authority.
No industrial processes, plant
or machinery shall be carried out or installed outside of the
building at the site at any time.
Works undertaken within the
Root Protection Area of the remaining trees to the south of the
proposed office extension shall be carried out with supervision
from an arboricultural consultant, in
order to monitor the special engineered foundation
No works shall commence on the
development until all existing trees on the site which are to be
retained are fully safeguarded by protective fencing in accordance
with drawing ‘Tree Protection Plan 1576-004 Rev A’.
Such measures shall not be removed until the completion of the
Submission of a detailed
management plan providing full programme and details of
implementation and management of the outline specifications in the
revised Landscape Masterplan and the
Ecological Impact Assessment & Biodiversity Net Gain
The landscape planting shown on
the revised Landscape Masterplan,
amended to include a drystone wall
along the southern boundary, shall be carried out in the first
planting and seeding seasons following occupation or substantial
completion of the development, whichever is soonest. Any trees or
plants which die, are removed or become seriously damaged or
diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others
of a similar size and species or in accordance with an alternative
scheme previously agreed in writing by the National Park
Works should avoid taking place
during the main breeding bird season, between March to August
inclusive. If works occur during this period a check for breeding
birds should take place by a suitably experienced ecologist, no
more than 48 hours prior to works. If nesting birds are present,
works shall be postponed until after they have fledged or as
otherwise advised by an ecologist.
No external lighting shall be
installed on site other than in complete accordance with a detailed
scheme which shall have first been submitted to and approved in
writing by the National Park Authority. The submitted scheme shall
be designed to avoid illuminating habitats used by bats, such as
hedgerows, tree lines and the quarry rockface, in accordance with guidance set out in
Bats and Artificial Lighting at Night (ILP, 2023).
Supporting documents: