Agenda item
Full Application - Conversion of a disused church into two residential units, including demolition of a substantial portion of the modern rear extension to create additional external space at Kettleshulme Methodist Church, Paddock Lane, Kettleshulme (NP/CEC/0821/0935 /JRS)
The Planning Officer presented their report and outlined the reasons for approval as detailed in the report. It was noted that the initial application was for conversion the three dwellings, but this was reduced to two following discussions with officers.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Philip Good, Applicant
There were a number of suggested amendments to the conditions which the Applicant highlighted to the Members.
A motion to approve the application subject to these amendments was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried.
That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-
1. Statutory time limit for implementation.
2. Adopt amended plans subject to detailed design conditions, including submission of window details prior to commencement.
3. Submit details of obscure glazing of rear windows or an alternative scheme to safeguard amenity of the adjoining dwellings.
4. Submit and agree details of Roof lights to be conservation type and fitted flush with the roof slope.
5. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 2015 (or any order revoking or re-enacting that Order) no alterations to the external appearance of the dwellings shall be carried out and no extensions, porches, ancillary buildings, solar/photo voltaic panels, gates, fences, walls or other means of boundary enclosure shall be erected on the site without the National Park Authority's prior written consent.
6. Ecology conditions.
7. Minor architectural details e.g. repointing, rainwater goods to be cast aluminium to match existing, no external svp’s, agree vent types/locations.
8. Extension to be roofed in natural blue slates to match the existing roof.
9. Sample stonework for extension to match existing walling.
10. Submit for written agreement precise measures to be included in the climate change mitigation and adaptation statement with implementation confirmation thereafter.
11. No external lighting other than in accordance with scheme to be submitted and agreed in writing.
12. Historic Building Recording to HE level 2 before work commences.
Supporting documents:
0821-0935_Kettleshulme chapel JK, item 25/24
PDF 400 KB
Item 12 - Kettleshulme Methodist Church, item 25/24
PDF 379 KB