Agenda item
Full Application: Demolition of existing filter house and erection of no.3 new dwellings with associated landscaping and parking, Former Filter House, Long Causeway, Sheffield (NP/S/0923/1021, JRS)
The Chair reminded members that this application had been deferred from the Planning Committee on the 8 December 2023 to allow the applicant to address the concerns raised by Members regarding the design and layout of the site.
The Planning Officer reported on the changes made to the original design.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Alasdair Struthers, Agent.
A motion to approve the application was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried.
That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:
That subject to no contrary views being received before the expiry of the public consultation date, that the decision be delegated to the Head of Planning to issue and that the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:
1. Standard 3-year time limit for commencement.
2. Adopt amended plans subject to detailed design conditions relating to materials, windows, doors, rainwater goods, etc including prior approval of sample materials and sample stone and brick panel.
3. Adopt measures in the revised climate change mitigation statement and implement as part of the development and prior to first occupation.
4. Withdraw permitted development rights for alterations, extensions and ancillary buildings together with boundary walls and fences.
5. Carry out landscaping scheme, including replacement tree-planting, woodland enhancement and management, walling and hard surfacing.
6. Site drainage conditions recommend by LLFA and the Environment Agency, including provision of a SUDs scheme.
7. Implement recommendations from preliminary ecological assessment.
8. Retain garages for garaging and storage.
9. Agree means of waste disposal.
10. Carry out and submit full record of existing building prior to demolition and submit details of an interpretation board, setting out the history of the site, to be erected in a location at the entrance to the site.
11. Provide details of a scheme to incorporate the existing date stone into the development.
Supporting documents:
0923-1021_ Redmires WTW.Feb 24 Report JK.JRS rev, item 19/24
PDF 218 KB
0923-1021_ Copy of Dec 23 Report to include as Appendix to March report, item 19/24
PDF 518 KB
Item 6 - Former Filter House, Long Causeway, item 19/24
PDF 528 KB