Agenda item
Householder Application - For alterations and extension to dwelling and new garage, at Pathways, Youlgrave(NP/DDD/1223/1442, DH)
The Planning Officer presented the report. A previous application was refused on grounds of the scale of the extension. This is a smaller proposal following consultation with officers. The Officer outlined the reasons for approval of the application.
A motion to approve the application was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried.
That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-
1. Statutory time limit
2. The development to be in accordance with the submitted plans drawing numbers 2231-500, Revision A (block plan), 2231-10 (proposed plans, elevations and sections for the works to the dwelling), and 2231-11 (proposed plans and elevations for the garage), received by the Authority 5 December 2023
3. New doors and windows shall be recessed to the same depth as the existing
4. Roof verges shall be flush mortar pointed with no projecting rafters or barge boards
5. Rooflights shall be fitted flush with the roofslope
6. Rainwater goods shall be black and on brackets
7. The submitted climate change mitigation measures shall be fully implemented before the development is brought into use and then shall be maintained for the lifetime of the development.
Supporting documents:
1223-1442_ Pathways Committee Report, item 32/24
PDF 243 KB
Item 19 - Pathways, Youlgreave, item 32/24
PDF 412 KB