Agenda item

Report of the Governance Review Working Group


The report was presented to Members to consider the recommendations that had arisen from discussions at meetings of the Governance Review Working Group.


Members requested, after some discussion,  that the wording of the 2nd bullet point on the proposed amended Role Description for Members in Appendix A of the report be removed as it was considered not necessary. 


Cllr Beer left at 11:15 during discussion of this item and returned at 11:30


Members then considered the proposals to discontinue the Member Champion Roles and introduce a skills audit for Members.  Members considered the format of the proposed skills audit to be too involved and that there was a need for a more simpler skills matrix.  The Chair reminded Members that this was a draft so was open for comments which would then be fed back into the Governance Review Working Group.


Members noted that there was evidence of good work on the Governance Working Group and thanked all Officers involved.


The recommendations as set out in the report, were moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




To approve the recommendations of the Governance Review Working Group as set out in Appendix 1 of the report subject to the removal of the 2nd bullet point in the amended Role Description for Members.

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