Agenda item

Minutes of previous meeting held on 8th March 2024


The minutes of the last meeting of the Planning Committee held on the 8th March 2024 were approved as a correct record, subject to the following amends:


Minute 20/24


The wording to be amended to read “Members were minded to go against Officer recommendation to refuse this application and approve the application on the basis that there was a need for entry level accommodation at an affordable price level within the Peak District National Park. Members acknowledged that this form of overnight accommodation was becoming increasingly popular and had to be provided for. Members also noted that the site was sheltered so not visible from anywhere outside the site itself.”



Minute 26/24


The motion to “refuse the application was moved and seconded but not voted on” to be amended to read the “motion to approve the application was moved and seconded but not voted on”


The motion to ”refuse the application was withdrawn” to be amended to read

the “motion to approve the application was withdrawn”



Minute 27/24 & 28/24


The wording “grand funding” to be amended to read “grant funding”.


The wording of the recommendation to be amended to read as follows:


“That the application be DEFERRED to allow for a structural report to be provided and discussions with the Applicant and Officers to take place to establish what was necessary to secure the future use of the building.” 


Minute 29/24


The heading to be amended to read “Agricultural building to lamb and house sheep”




Supporting documents: