Agenda item
Members Declarations of Interests
Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.
Item 7
All Members of the Planning Committee had received an email from the Agent.
Cllr Chaplin, being a Member of Sheffield City Council, declared a pecuniary interest in Item 7 which related to an application on the Sheffield City boundary. Cllr Chaplin had not been involved in any prior discussion regarding this application nor knew the Applicant.
Item 8
All Members of the Planning Committee had received an email from the Applicant.
Item 9
Cllr Chaplin, being a Member of Sheffield City Council, declared a pecuniary interest in Item 9 which related to an application on the Sheffield City boundary. Cllr Chaplin had not been involved in any prior discussion regarding this application nor knew the Applicant.