Agenda item
Listed Building Consent - Internal alterations Including removing internal signage, fixtures and safe units. External alterations Including glazing to be secured to all areas, making good as required, removal of fascia signage, removal of ATMS and removal of Night Safe Plate at Nat West Bank, 1 Water Lane, Bakewell, (NP/DDD/1223/1468, CC)
Item 15 was presented and discussed at the same time as Item 14, but the votes were taken separately. Please see the full minute details 47/24 above.
A motion to approve the application was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried.
That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:
1. 3 year time limit
2. In accordance with submitted plans
3. Before the erection or repair of any stonework, sample panel(s) of all new facing stonework shall be provided on site showing the proposed sizes, texture face-bond; and pointing mortar mix, joint thickness and finish profile for approval in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall not be carried out other than in accordance with the approved sample panel(s) which shall be retained on site until the work is completed.
4. No works to remove any elements of the building or advertisements shall take place other than in accordance with a methodology (to include how building fabric is to be made good following removal) which shall have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the National Park Authority.
5. Within 6 months of the date of this consent, the security lighting shown on the approved plans shall be removed from the building and the area made good in accordance with details which shall have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the National Park Authority.
Supporting documents:
- (NP/DDD/1223/1468, CC), item 48/24 PDF 260 KB
- Item 14 & 15 - Nat West, Bakewell, item 48/24 PDF 472 KB