Agenda item

Thriving Communities Theme Update


Brian Taylor, Head of Planning was present for this item to inform Members about the Authority’s progress since July 2023 with respect to the Aims and Objectives of the National Park Management Plan Aim 4 in relation to Thriving Communities and what this means for the future.


Brian gave a presentation to Members that covered the key issues which may need decisions in the future and some updates on a couple of initiatives. 


·         The Local Plan is progressing and in the last stage of finalising the draft Issues and Options document.  The team is about to lose one of the Policy Planners and this position may be hard to recruit to. 


  • It was noted that Derbyshire Dales District Council have approved the initiative to double council tax for owners of second homes in Derbyshire Dales.  The Government has now committed to creating a new use class and associated permitted development rights change of use to short term holiday lets - there is a mechanism called “Article 4 Direction” which the Authority would be allowed to use to remove such rights if deemed necessary.  It was noted that High Peak have also agreed the 100% uplift for second homes. This item may be included in the Essential Member Training in Planning later in the year.  


·         Sustainable Travel – there is a need to align ourselves with our partner authorities of which there are 6 transport authorities in the area. Brian highlighted a number of possible projects suggested by the Sustainable Transport Officer. 


·         Affordable Housing – challenges to delivery were mentioned.  There has been joint working with DDDC and progress has been good.


·         Some examples of the impact of the Shared Prosperity Fund were shared with the Members. 


·         Project Gigabit – this is a commitment from the Government to roll out full fibre broadband across the area. 


Following the presentation Members were then given the opportunity to ask questions.


Cllr Gregory mentioned that his wife owns 2 holiday cottages and therefore he Declared an Interest in this agenda item and abstained from any vote.


Cllr O’Leary also own a holiday let on his farm and therefore also Declared and Interest in this agenda item and abstained from any vote.


Members were concerned that there was no reference to the farming community/ agricultural businesses and the risk to this community from the reduction in the Basic Payment System.  Brian mentioned that the Authority is exploring routes to sustainable farming and bring in a new model for both the housing and business side of farming. 


Local Plan – Officers are aware of new regulations coming into operation from June 2025 which may impact on the work programme for the Local Plan Review. It may not be possible to submit a new plan prior to this date but as yet there is no clarity on the detail of new regulations.  While there is some risk that additional work may be needed officers recommended that it was better to maintain progress with the current Issues and Options consultation. There is no risk to the Authority in terms of policy coverage as the existing plan will remain as the legal basis for decision making until replaced.


There was a question regarding the “Shared Prosperity Fund” and if PDNPA has any way of influencing what might be submitted to this source of funding.


The recommendation as set out in the report, was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




To note progress in delivering to the Peak District National Park Management Plan 2023-28 and Authority Plan Thriving Communities aim. 

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