Agenda item

Welcoming Place Aim Overview


Suzanne Fletcher, Head of Landscape & Engagement, Andy Farmer, Ranger Team Manager and Lorna Fisher, Engagement Manager were present for this item to update Members on the Aim 3 of the Management Plan - Welcoming Place and to give highlights and mention key issues. 


Suzanne began the presentation to Members to highlight the key issues for the committee to consider. 


It was noted that there is a deterioration in the condition of the Rights of Way Network due to reduced funding, increased usage and more severe weather events which is set to continue. Consequently, there is an impact on nature and an increase in the economic impact of tourism and the way that people enjoy the landscape. We have identified a list of priority routes and access for all. 


Lorna spoke about how the team is engaging with people and supporting their access to nature and responsible visiting. 


Andy spoke about the Ranger and Access team and how the team sits between Place, Visitor and Resident. 


Both Andy and Lorna stressed how important the work of the Volunteers is and how it underpins the work of their teams and is fundamental to the work they do. 


The Members noted how the role of rangers is invaluable and what a fantastic job the rangers do.  It is good to see the work that is being done with schools.  Members asked about the work of “Peak District Proud” and whether this initiative has served its purpose.  This was launched just before Covid and has not received the expected traction and will needed to be reviewed with partners.  There appears to be some confusion amongst the public regarding the message from this initiative and the name of the initiative.  The idea of the word “proud” would be that you are proud of the place and take pride in looking after the National Park.


There was concern over the lack of funding available for the Rights Of Way (ROW) network and how this is a red flag and may discourage visitors.  Conversations are taking place with constituent authorities over funding.  The PDNPA needs to lobby DCC so that funding to footpaths is not reduced.  Members were encouraged to raise the subject of funding for ROW with their constituent authorities. 


Cllr Nash left the room during consideration of this item.


It was suggested that the Peak Park does not always present the positive work that is done and this should be explored.  The Members welcome the idea of the Recreation Hub and how this will work at Dovedale and Ilam where clear objectives are needed and the impacts and ambition for this area studied. Hopefully will then get a template that can be applied to other sites.  


The PDNPA needs to be able to articulate what success looks like in the “Welcoming Place Aim” and there is more work to be done especially on Sustainable Tourism. 


There is an increasing amount of issues in the media regarding the balance between conservation and food production and where FiPL fits in.  Climate, nature, people and place are the 4 themes of FiPL.  There are mixed messages from government about conservation v food production and some work is needed on addressing these messages.


The Health and Welfare Initiative that focuses on nature recover, need to know where going and where coming from.  Members asked if  we can use education about the landscape and cultural heritage to educate our future.  Both natural and cultural assets are being integrated in this initiative. 


There was a query as to whether there is an understanding in Government as to what the national parks are dealing with and the pressures them.  Clear and articulated evidence is needed to understand what is going wrong with visitor numbers so that this can be presented to the Government. 


The recommendation as set out in the report was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.





To note progress in delivering to the Peak District National Park Management Plan 2023-28 and Authority Plan welcoming place aim and targets.

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