Agenda item

MFFP - Business Strategy and Annual Business Plan


Matt Scott-Campbell, Conservation and Land Management Programme Manager in the Moors For The Future Partnership, was present for this report. 


Matt gave a presentation to Members updating them on the current work of the MFFP including new techniques that are being trialled.  There is a diverse blend of finance within the programme, including grants, private sector funding and green financing.  In the past year Volunteers have been a big part of delivery for planting sphagnum moss.  In the next year looking to undergo more survey work and planning ahead of the following 5-year period (2025-2030). 


The Science & Research programme is continuing, the data collected underpins all that is done and runs alongside the capital programme.  Monitoring is on-going to identify the impact of interventions.  Looking to implement a sphagnum trial to identify the optimum placement of sphagnum.


Communication and Engagement remains an important area of work.  A conference in September is being planned the focus being Green Finance and what role Green Finance can have in helping to restore the bogs.


Business Development continues to receive significant interest from the private and corporate sector who are looking at ways to align the corporate and social governance programmes.  The team is working hard to build these relationships. 


Cllr Priestley, Chair of the Strategic Advisory Board for MFFP, made the point that it is very important to plan well into the future in able to secure the funding and to maintain the knowledge base within the MFFP as there is growing competition in this area.


There was a question from the Members about the Volunteers that have been working with the partnership.  MFFP is integrated with colleagues across the Authority.  Previously the partnership has been reliant on Contractors for the work.  Now with sphagnum moss planting this is relatively straight forward for volunteers to deliver and can represent “the value in kind” which can be used for matched grant funding.


Cllr Brady joined the meeting


Funding targets up to 2031 were discussed and how realistic these targets are.  Matt explained that there is a more diverse funding picture which is more complex but gives more opportunities.  Emerging markets are being watched and the funding trends anticipated so that ideas can be submitted early. 


There was a question regarding how the funding and interventions can be scaled up to meet the targets set by the Climate Change Committee.  Matt explained the progress made so far, most of the areas are roughly half way to where they want to be in getting the peat lands working again.  There is still a need to intervene at pace and scale and aiming to work intensively on the landscape to accelerate the landscape recovery. 


There are mirror images of MFFP up and down the Pennine chain.  MFFP were one of the lead authorities for the Great North Bog which runs from the bottom of the Pennine chain to the Scottish Borders and the same restoration work is carried out by all of the organisations.




Three recommendations as set out in the report were moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried:




1)    To approve the new reporting process which replaces the previous operational plan with a long-term Business Strategy to 2030 (to be constantly rolled forward so it always has at least a 5 year future).  In addition, an annual Business Plan will be presented to committee for approval in late winter each year.  At this time Members will also expect a general update on the progress of the Partnership’s work and this Business planning process.  Any changes and updating to Business Strategy are delegated to the Moors for the Future Partnership Manager in consultation with the Head of Assets and Enterprise.


2)    To approve the Business Strategy – Approval of the Business Strategy and the remit and instruction this gives the Partnership team in developing business.  Maintained to at least a five-year horizon.


3)    To approve the Business Plan – Approval of the 2023-2024 annual Business Plan working within the Authority’s Standing Orders to develop business within the agreed Business strategy.



Matt was thanked for his presentation.


It was noted that it was Chris Dean’s (Moors for the Future Partnership Manager) last day and the Programmes and Resources Committee extended their thanks for all the work that Chris Dean has done for MFFP over the past 20 years and for developing the business and the business model and for his leadership of the team.

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